(585) 533-2058

Home of the Fire Fighters of Rush, NY

CALL 911 in Any Emergency!


April & May Newsletter

RUSH FIRE DISTRICT – NEWSLETTER INFO FOR APRIL & MAY – 2015 FIRE DISTRICT:  MESSAGE SIGN/COMPUTERS/ALERT SIREN:  The sign is working out very well as we figure out all its programs. 3 new computers (2 towers – 1 lap top for training) these replaced out dated...

December 2014 & January 2015

COMMISSIONERS ELECTION: The annual Rush Fire District Commissioners election will be held on Tuesday, December 09, 2014 from 6 to 9 PM at the main Rush Fire Station. The election is for a five year term. Mike Terzo Sr. is completing his term as Commissioner and is on...


Emergency Calls This Year