(585) 533-2058

Home of the Fire Fighters of Rush, NY

CALL 911 in Any Emergency!


James Bucci JrReceives Step EMS Lloyd Leve Award

James Bucci JrReceives Step EMS Lloyd Leve Award

The Lloyd Leve Award is presented to an individual who demonstrates outstanding service and impact on the EMS Community. The recipient is judged on the characteristic of caring, commitment, dedication, strong leadership skills, excellent communication skills and/or...

October-November 2016

FIRE DISTRICT: There will be a Fire District Public Budget hearing at Fire Station #1  1971 Rush-Mendon Road, on Tuesday - October 18th at 7:00 pm. This hearing and date is set by NYS Law. ACCESS & HOUSE NUMBERS:” HELP us so we can HELP you”.  We are still having...

April-May News

RUSH FIRE DISTRICT – NEWSLETTER INFO FOR APRIL & MAY – 2016   FIRE DISTRICT: HENRIETTA AMBULANCE: They have been given authority to extend their CON (Certificate of Need) into the Town of Rush. This means they can bill Medicare for transports of those...

June & July Newsletter

RUSH FIRE DISTRICT – NEWSLETTER INFO JUNE & JULY FIRE DISTRICT:  YOUR TAX RATE: It is time for us to start to prepare a 2016 budget. It is our goal to keep the rate the same as last year. At this time you pay $1.12 per thousand. Our costs continue to go up and we...

April & May Newsletter

RUSH FIRE DISTRICT – NEWSLETTER INFO FOR APRIL & MAY – 2015 FIRE DISTRICT:  MESSAGE SIGN/COMPUTERS/ALERT SIREN:  The sign is working out very well as we figure out all its programs. 3 new computers (2 towers – 1 lap top for training) these replaced out dated...


Emergency Calls This Year