Home of the Fire Fighters of Rush, NY
CALL 911 in Any Emergency!
2017 Total Calls
We had a total of 486 calls. 112 Fire/Rescue calls, 38 Automatic fire alarms (FD was not needed at any of these) 2 CO Alarms with CO present, 44 Mutual Assistance calls to other departments to the scene or fill-in empty fire stations, 221 EMS/Ambulance calls and 71...
Organizational Meeting
The Rush Fire District will have an Organizational Meeting January 5, 2018 at 6 p. m. at Station 1971 Rush Mendon Rd.
Commissioner Election Results
Scott Goodman 147 votes Luther Keyes 83 votes
Commissioner Election
Commissioner Election December 12, 2017 6 pm to 9 pm Location Station 1 1971 Rush Mendon Rd Scott Goodman seeking re-election Luther Keyes seeking election
December-January Newsletter
RUSH FIRE DISTRICT – NEWSLETTER INFO FOR DECEMBER 2017 JANUARY 2018 PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING: It was held October 17th,2017. Only two Rush residents attended. There was no questions or comments about the budget. The Commissioners then approved the $346,000 budget for...
Public Budget Hearing
Public Budget Hearing for the Rush Fire District will be held October 17th at 7:00 pm at Station 1, 1971 Rush Mendon Rd.
August / September News
NEWS Coming Soon
Robert Faugh Receives Harriet C. Weber EMS Leadership Award
Robert Faugh received the Monroe/Livingston regional EMS council HARRIET WEBER award for demonstrated dedication, responsibility, exemplary professional behavior. ingenuity and insight in Rush, Monroe County and NYS EMS environment. Bob has been a member of...
Congratulate Al Sweet on 65 yrs of service
65 YEARS OF SERVICE: 5-01-17 At Monday nights fire meeting AL SWEET was recognized for his 65 years as an active firefighter in Rush. Al received a plaque outlining this achievement and we all had cake. Al's wife Nancy, who has supported him all these years was also...