(585) 533-2058

Home of the Fire Fighters of Rush, NY

CALL 911 in Any Emergency!


Rush Fire District Election for Commissioner

The Rush Fire District will hold its' annual election for commissioner on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 from 6 - 9 pm. Anyone who is a registered voter with the County of Monroe, is eligible to vote. Please plan on voting to show your support for your Fire District....

Commission Workshop

Commission Workshop to discuss job descriptions for the new EMT / Driver position created. Tuesday March 1st, 2022  Station 1 1971 Rush Mendon Rd  7:00 pm

Red Cross Blood Drive

The Red Cross will hold a blood drive at the Rush Fire District, 1971 Rush Mendon Rd, on Wednesday January 5, 2022 from 2 - 7 p.m. Please plan on donating - the Red Cross blood supply is critically low.  

Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICE The proposed budget for 2022 is now available to view on the Rush Fire District website: WWW.RUSHFIREDISTRICT.ORG Voting on the budget will take place at the Board of Fire District Commissioner’s meeting on October 19, 2021 and is open to the public....


Emergency Calls This Year